• ɪkˈsplɔːr / Verb

  • To think or talk about something in order to find out more about it / To search and discover.

  • ‘The guys at Ignition Creative explored all of the options’


Phase 2 - Development…

Once we’ve decided what direction we are going in, we have to work out how to get there. We do this in several ways.

Companies like ours often talk about heavy investment in the latest and greatest CAD and Graphics software, Three Dimensional Modelling, Virtual Reality, and Animatics… So that’s exactly what we are going to do. By leveraging the power of technology, we can rapidly try out new ideas, scratch the ones that don’t quite work, move things around, and explore spaces.

Our digital workflow allows infinite possibilities and gives us the means to try out even the most impossible of ideas, and believe us when we say that we do sometimes come up with some pretty impossible ones!

All of this helps us to keep the initial costs low, but most importantly for us, it helps sort the great ideas from the good ones, and hard though it is to imagine, we have the occasional bad idea too.

Through exploring the concepts and creations we can then decide what we think our clients will like, as well as generate yet further ideas and hopefully ‘bump the lampin as many places as possible.

Throughout the whole process communication is king. With each other, with the client, with ourselves. Constant critiquing and refinement, is what helps us deliver the best possible solutions that we can, and we take great pride in knowing that when it comes to the projects execution, we have done everything we can to make it amazing!